JAKARTA - The story in the movie Matrix, which a role in by Keanu Reeves, presumably not just fiction. Two weekends ago, a specialist technology origin United States, Ray Kurzweil, said that the machine will reach the intellect with the human equivalent imitation in 2029. ? Humans will achieve? Perfection? when a tiny robot planted in otaknya. People will become more intelligent? he said.
In addition to up intelligences, robots aka tiny nanobots also make people remember things better. In fact, people could soon enter the environment through a virtual reality system sarafnya automatically.
Machines and humans will join as soon as possible. This means, as Kurzweil, machines will be placed in the body for different purposes or interests. For instance to maintain health and improve the level of intellect. ? We will create intelligent nanobots that can enter the brain from the blood vessel and interact directly with the neuron? he said.
Kurzweil and his team are very confident that combining machine and human - with embed it in the body - will be able to push up levels of health and intellect far above the standard at this time. In fact, human life? half? robot that will be part of social life itself. ? We? he said,? Using technology to improve physical and mental together.
Toh, Kurzweil rush assert that it will not become a kind of alien invasion of intelligent machines that threaten the human existence and menggusur. Engine, he said, just realizing beratus-hundred things that people want to do, both at the limit or more, and intellect in various areas of life.
Not only created the engine for injected in the body, the researchers also revealed that the success in setting up the hardware and software with the intellect, such as imitation of the human being, including emotional flexibility and ingenuity. ? We have to be ready with the human community engine,? he said.
Just enough information, Kurzweil is one of 18 influential thinkers 21st century who have chosen to identify the various challenges associated with the human race. Other figures are the founders of Google, Larry Page, and genetics expert, Dr. Craig Venter.
One of the success of the project reject the measure of trust that is growing exponentially from a data processing capability. In addition, at the same time the size of the various device technologies shrink. The two things that trigger the development of computer mikroskopik.
The experts also said that technology, is a to bring an to make an accurate prediction of growth and changes in the computing world's attention with what has been achieved successfully in the field of development of the computer during the last 50 years. Base on it, they be convinced to 25 years in front of computer will be increased to billions of times. Meanwhile, the size of a smart machine that will shrink to 100 thousand times.
Today, he said, people can put the computer seukuran bean seeds in humans to treat Parkinson disease. Neuron damaged by the disease can also be replaced by these sophisticated devices.
As known, some time ago a number of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology successfully cure a number of hamster is blind. The story, the researchers in the laboratory of brain damage the animal does it related to the function of vision. Animal that is injured then injected with synthetic peptides of nanometer-sized five.
Material is later able to unify the brain cells that cause damage without scar scar. Things that make the animal is blind can see again. Interestingly, the trial was also successful in the older age of the animal that is suspected selnya regeneration ability is not working optimally. ? This makes us very surprised and happy,? said Dr. Rutledge Ellis-Behnke, a specialist from MIT neuroscientist.
Similar to that conducted by researchers from MIT, Kurzweil and colleagues also optimize the nano technology. The result, they are ready to bear the computer that has a size similar to a blood cell. Data processing engine that can be injected and creep in the human body. If lodged in the brain, then he will redouble level intellect.
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